After a full day of enjoyment out on the water on the sunny Gold Coast, it can be hard to look at the interior of your boat without cringing. It shows you’ve had an excellent day, sure, but interior washing and detailing can be a painful job for even the most patient and loving of boat owners. But, if you want to ensure your boat has a full and happy life with you enjoying more wonderful days out on the water, then interior detailing is just as important as exterior detailing when it comes to boat maintenance. If you’re on the lookout for a professional and expert team for Gold Coast marine detailing, look no further than the Boat Butler. They can help you out with all the tips and tricks you need to ensure that your boat always looks ready for her next outing. Here, we detail a couple of ideas to get you started on your marine detailing know-how.

The seats and fabrics of your marine vessel are possibly the most important aspect of an interior detail. These fabrics can stain easily and can become permanent quite quickly if not fixed as soon as possible. A good marine fabric cleaner can help alleviate this problem and keep your seats and fabrics looking as good as new for many years to come. Cleaning the bilge is another exceptionally important aspect of an interior detail. The bilge is the lowest part of the internal hull and because of that it can become filled with all sorts of grime and sediment.

When you’re looking for a proper deep interior detail on the Gold Coast, ensure that it comes with a bilge clean as well. This will keep your vessel in top condition. Finally, ensuring that any rubber, plastic, or metal surfaces are also kept clean is a great way to make sure that your boat’s interior is long-lasting. The Boat Butler is the Gold Coast’s best at marine detailing and boat services, so if you’re looking to keep your vessel around for a long time, give their friendly team a call today. For more great Marine Blogs go to or for more information on our Marine Detailing Services please call +61 401 209 514 for an obligation-free quote.