Boat Washing Services - Gold Coast
“Where Quality Always Comes First”
No matter what kind of boat you are running, with fuel costing what it does and optimum performance a necessity, it pays to keep your boat washed clean.
This means not only the main hull, but also the foils (rudders, keels and skegs) and running gear (props, shafts and struts).
The hardest parts to keep clean are the most important to fuel efficiency: the propellers and rudders.
Usually these are bare metal, but even if they are painted they are susceptible to fouling. Any significant hard growth on a propeller (more than just a few barnacles) will have a very bad effect on a boat’s performance, so propeller barnacles are our top priority.
To stop your gelcoat and other exterior paint deteriorating, your boat will need regular washing and polishing.
A quick rinse off with a hose at the end of the day is not enough to impede the corrosive forces of sun and salt.
The Boat Butler offers regular boat washing at whatever intervals best suit your needs; every week, fortnight, month, bi-monthly or quarterly.
We use only eco-friendly soft wash that will clean your boat gently and not strip the gelcoat finish from a fibreglass boat.
We will organise a cleaning schedule that suits your boat usage patterns and budget.
Regular washing saves you money in the long run as your boat’s yearly clean will not need as much work when you wash and polish regularly, and your boat’s finish will not break down as quickly.
Clears, windows and metals are polished and hatch and door runners are cleaned as part of our standard regular wash.
We pay attention to the little things that are often ignored.
When we wash we use a quality soft boat wash and soft brushes for smooth surfaces, magic sponges for non-slip surfaces and lambs wool for clears.
This service can be done at your own home berth or marina.
Book now or call to discuss your best options. The Boat Butler – where quality always comes first!

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The Boat Butler Marine Detailing Services – FAQ
We Service much of South East Queensland.
We offer a complete marine detailing service from the bilge to the roof of your craft inside and out. We specialise in Gel-coat and paint polishing, teak & stainless restoration and can take care of anything that needs to be cleaned and restored on your craft.
No, as long as we can be given access our staff are fully trained to clean without you being there and can lock up/re-alarm and hand the keys in.
All our detailers are fully insured with Public and Employee Liability Insurance.
You can either call us at the office between the hours of 6 am – 5 pm, 7 Days Except for Public Holidays on 0401 209 514 or you can send us an email at
Yes, jobs can be scheduled for weekends/holidays and cleaners can work into the night if required.
Yes, as long as we can have at least 24 hours notice.
While we can give you a rough estimate over the phone every job is different, your boat is not a one size fits all issue for us. To give an accurate quote we prefer to inspect the boat and discuss it with you first, we are happy to come to you to do it.
Yes and we take it seriously. Our products are enviro-friendly and we comply with all relevant legislation and comply with all Covid 19 requirements.